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A Story of Faith

Jul 03, 2021
Back in May of 2017 I went to Nashville for the first time. I was going there to attend the first Full Circle Music songwriting retreat. I was honestly so nervous and could not believe that God had called me to go. I live in a little beach town and the thought of going to Nashville had never crossed my mind.
After making the trip I found myself walking into the Seth Mosley amazing house in Franklin, TN. I did not know anyone but I had this sense that everyone there was like me in some way. Through all the nerves, doubts and questions I felt peace and this overwhelming feeling that THIS is the music industry and I am actually standing in it for the first time.
That first trip was incredible and it lead to another, and another, and a few more after that. Every time I would go I would meet new people and continue to build relationships through the power of social media, even when I was back in Florida. I met some people who I now consider some of my best friends and people who have helped encourage me along this wild journey.
So now, over 4 years later I am standing here with a group of talented artists and songwriters from all over the country after spending a week together on the beach writing songs, encouraging each other and making memories and relationships that will last a long time. My wife Suzy and I had the opportunity to host a retreat of our own, just like one that changed my life. To say it is surreal is a huge understatement, but with God all things are possible.
So my encouragement to you is that although your story might be different, all you have to do is listen to the voice of God and say yes. Then follow where He leads and you will find yourself in places you never dreamed possible. You are made to achieve your dreams and accomplish great things, take that first step and hold on tight because God is going to do amazing work through you and your faithfulness.

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